Ethan came home from school with very intense pain in his lower abdomen. Because of his pain we immediately took him to the best doctor we know in this area. The trip there is only about 3 miles but took about 15 minutes. The roads in Haiti are hard to explain. Let me just say, my fitbit thought I had taken 3,000 steps during those 15 minutes.
The whole way there, as I held my 9 year old, I prayed! That was the only thing I could do. I held him trying to soften each bump and praying that the pain would go away!
We arrived at the hospital and our friend Kerlande was there to help us. She told us what to do, where to go, and stayed with us the whole day. She was a gift from God! Kerlande, I can't thank you enough for walking through this with us!
We were able to see the doctor right away and had some tests done. We left there without any answers but I am so thankful that the pain is completely gone at this moment.
As a mom, I hurt for my son in a way that words couldn't express. Not knowing if he would get the right care, not knowing what was going on inside that little body, not knowing how to fix it...the only thing that got me through this day was knowing that God was in control. I knew I could trust Him with Ethan's life. That doesn't mean it was easy. I had to give Ethan to him moment by moment. I kept trying to take care of it myself and then He would gently remind me that "I'VE GOT HIM!" I knew that deep down but that surface stuff just gets in the way sometimes!
Isaiah 40:31 says "those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. The will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not grow faint."
What an amazing promise....God is saying, "I'VE GOT YOU!" If only we could trust in that from our core to our surface!