Saturday, May 4, 2013

M fatige: I'm tired!

There are no words to express how incredibly tired I am...

Last night was my annual 4th grade overnighter...yes, it is exactly what it sounds like.  26 kids come ready and willing to stay up as late as they can while they eat, play and laugh at top volume!

First...I have to start at the beginning.  Cameron has been sick for a week now.  He has had a lot of pain in his stomach which is keeping him up during the, for this whole week there have been a few nights when I was up with him more than I was asleep.  Scott helped a ton and was probably up more than me on most of those nights! 

So, being extremely tired already, we had the 4th grade overnighter last night.  It is always a fun night but it completely wears me out!  We played kickball, dragon tag, parachute toss, steal the bacon,and  a crazy spaghetti relay before heading to the roof.  This part of the night is my favorite!  We sit on the top of the school and have a time of worship.  We also share fun memories about the year.  Oh, this class is so funny and sweet!  As we do this, the sky changes from blue to black and a million stars come out for our enjoyment!  We talk about how amazing God is and we thank him for loving us!  Then...

We headed back to our "sleeping room" and had a dance party, pillow fight, drag me across the floor game(this one was new to me), "let me show you what I can do" kind of thing (involved kartwheels, backbends...) and then 3 movies!  Well, the movies started in the midst of all these activities.  Finally, I made them get in their beds and "stay there".  That is always the fun part because they are just so excited they really can't just stay there...they have to move around-so they crawl! :) 

I think most of the kids were finally falling asleep around 2am.  Now, normally I have to wake them all up the next morning so we can get things rolling...that was not the case this year!  They were up by 6am on their own. 

So we got ready, had some breakfast and headed home around 8am.  Oh yeah, we had pizza and brownies last night for dinner too. :) 

It is such a fun night for me to be able to see my kids out of our normal school setting...they are so fun to know! 

I will do it again next year no matter how tired I feel right now because all I will remember in a couple days is how much we laughed!  I love what I do!

(tried to attach pictures but can't get a great connection right will come soon!)

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