Monday, May 5, 2014

4th Grade Highlight

When I ask my old students what they remember most about being in my fourth grade class the most common answer is...THE OVERNIGHTER!  Every year I have an overnighter for my students to celebrate the year and it is definitely the highlight! 
I think it is a highlight for me as well!  Even though I am extremely tired the next day, that night has given me so many memories!

The night is filled with games, food, and lots of laughter but my favorite part is our time on the roof.  Each year I take the kids up on the roof of the school just before the stars come out.  We have a time of worship, a time of prayer, a time of remembering the year (good and bad and silly)'s a time that brings us closer together.  Every year, that is always my favorite part. 

This night is a night where my students get to just be kids. All of them don't come from homes where they get to just be a kid for a whole night.  They don't have to clean or do chores...their only responsibility is to have fun and they are good at it!  I fall in love with them even more during the course of this night because their true selves come out and some of them are just down right funny!  They don't complain about anything! This time we had some major issues with the TV...tried two and neither worked.  They didn't complain at all! 

My students amaze me during this night!  They SHARE everything, HELP everyone, and LAUGH with their whole body!  I love watching them be KIDS!

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