Saturday, August 23, 2014

What I Miss...

I am sitting in my kitchen with the smell of mangos. I am in my running clothes but I haven't gone and won't be going running today. It was rainy here in Haiti yesterday so the streets are muddy right now.  But, as I sit here I started thinking about the differences of the two worlds that I exist in.  If you go for a walk/run here in Haiti you are NEVER alone.  Everyone is out on the streets. They "live" outside.  This summer while in the states I could go for a walk and never pass anyone, or maybe pass one or two other walkers who would quietly say, "good morning" and keep on going.  Here in Haiti-not the case! When my friend and I go for our run together we are yelled at, greeted with someone who wants to run with us for a few seconds, honked at by taxis telling us to get out of their is just LOUD.  I MISS quiet morning walks in the states!
And yet, when I am in the states I miss the faces of my friends and just sweet people greeting me as I pass them.

There is always something to miss-no matter where I am. So thankful that God is never missing-He goes with me wherever I go!

We had such a GREAT are some of the moments we captured...
My mom and dad
                                                            Fun with the cousins
                                                            Family picture in Branson
                                                        My two amazing sisters!
                                                   Again, fun with the cousins!!

                                                One of my favorite people: Uncle Vernon
                                                          My brothers and my sister         
                                         Ethan and his cousin Cale...can't keep these two apart!
                                                        Trout fishin' with dad
                                                             Fun in Myrtle Beach

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