Monday, March 16, 2015

Here is something I can be joyful about right now...

                                             Cameron made the choice to Follow Jesus!!!

Joyful in all circumstances...How?

I have been sitting here trying to write a blog about what to do with the anger and pain that we experience when something bad happens...I can't!

I am not yet to the place where I can be joyful in this circumstance-my mom's cancer returning! I am not okay with it and I am angry.  Yesterday I was reminded by a couple of my friends that it is okay to be angry and to share that with God-being honest with him.  So, here it go: I am angry that this is happening AGAIN, I am angry that I am so far away, I am angry that this is happening to the most amazing woman I know...I am angry.

And yet...I TRUST God! I trust what he wants! I trust Him to be in control because He loves her more than I do...which is more than I can imagine because I love her as much as humanly possible! I trust Him to take care of her!  I trust Him to heal her (in HIS timing and plan).  I HATE that all this is happening more than I can express in words BUT I do TRUST in our amazing God who LOVES us more than we can comprehend. 

So, when does the joy come?  I honestly don't know yet.  I can be thankful that mom was able to catch this in the early stages. I can be thankful that she has a great doctor. I can be thankful that the rest of my family is there for her.  But, JOY?  Maybe those things I am thankful for - if I can choose to concentrate on them will help bring me the joy that James says I should have.  Maybe if I continue to focus on the Strength that Jesus gives us in our weakness I could have that joy that shows up no matter what.

I am still learning how to be joyful in all circumstances...THAT isn't an easy one!  I will just try, moment by moment, to lean on God's strength. I will try, moment by moment, to remember that His way is perfect. I will try, moment by moment, to remember that He loves us enough to give his son's life for us. I will try, moment by moment, to remember that our God is GOOD!

Psalm 30:5 says that our weeping my last through the night but joy comes in the morning.  I am not sure how long that "night" lasts but I am sure looking forward to the morning!