Saturday, November 21, 2015

a smile...

Walking home the other night, we witnessed a child being "beaten". My heart was breaking!

Walking through the market to buy groceries and a woman, clearly homeless, asks me for money. My heart was breaking!

Listening to the endless stories of my girls and what they go through on a daily basis. My heart was breaking!

Hearing of Haitian teachers who have worked for YEARS without a cent in pay. My heart was breaking!

Everyday my heart breaks a little more for these people that I love.  How can I help? What can I do? And then it hits me...I can smile!

What? Smile? How can you smile in those moments? Well, when I remember who is in charge, who loves each of these people MORE than I do, who has promised to be there, I can smile in TRUST!

I can smile with these people and help them to remember the same thing.  That doesn't mean I don't HURT for them and with them!  It just means that I am choosing to trust God to do what only He can do.  I can't stop all the beatings. I can't find a home for all the homeless. I can't shelter my girls from the lives they have to live. I can't pay all the teachers who haven't been paid. There are so many things I can't do BUT I can smile with each one and remind them that there is a God who is bigger than all this!

I was walking down the street with a heavy heart this morning. I looked up and a young girl smiled at me.  I realized how much joy filled my heart just by her simple smile.  I am so thankful that we have the confidence to smile because we know that God is in control of all this.  I want to be quick to smile!

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