Monday, December 8, 2014

Studying God's Word

God has shown us pretty clearly the message he wants us to have.  Now you might balk at that…when I say God has shown us pretty clearly.  One remarkable thing about the Bible is that God used human authors.  So the writers used Greek or Hebrew or Aramaic depending on their geography and culture.  What challenges us (and causes some of you to question whether the Bible is truly clear) is that for us to have a good understanding of God’s message, it’s necessary for us to understand something of Greek, Hebrew, Aramaic, and the cultures where the writers lived, not to mention our own culture.

I teach in a Bible College.  We have four classes in Greek language and two in Hebrew language.  We also have a class called Hermeneutics, which is new term to many people.  Even the sophomores in the college often have no idea what the class is actually about until day one when I explain what hermeneutics is.  Oftentimes we use the word interpretation.  It is the study of how we interpret texts, especially the text of the Bible.  These classes are necessary specifically because God used human authors to write this message and these writers wrote in their language, from the perspective of their cultures, and obviously in times long ago.

God did not write this message and drop it from heaven.  There are linguistic, cultural and chronological elements of understanding God’s message that require some hard work on our parts.  Now, not to question God, but let me question God.  Why didn’t He?  Why didn’t he just send a message directly from heaven that didn’t need to be translated, culturally adapted, and chronologically understood with such great effort?  Wouldn’t that have made more sense?  We could argue that understanding and living God’s message has enough difficulty without having to wade through the “interpretation” that can vary so widely from language to language, person to person, and century to century. 

Well, in fact, He did.  He did “drop his message from heaven.”  About this time of year, every year, we begin a seasonal celebration.  Christmas.  We celebrate the coming of God’s Word.  The message that was sent in human form, to demonstrate in the physical world, with living words, real relationships and within the framework of a calendar, the life God wants us to know and live. 

John 1 verse 1 tells us that Jesus is not created, but is Creator.  He was there when all of heaven and earth was created.  It was after time began that Jesus agreed to show up in human form in this world and not just tell, but live the message live and in person.  So God has not left us without clarity.  Regardless of the language, the culture, the time we live, it’s not difficult to understand what God wants us to know and live when we see God himself leave heaven, live in poverty, reject position and power, and give his entire being (no exaggeration) for the benefit of others.  Seeing One who personifies compassion and love shows us everything we need to know about who God is and how he calls us to live.  Study him. 

In the past God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets many times and in many different ways. But now in these last days God has spoken to us through his Son.   Hebrew 1:1-2 (New Century Version)
  • This one was written by Scott

Monday, November 24, 2014

Who am I?

Well, the other night I had one of those "moments" when you question who you really are.  I woke up to find Cameron in the bathroom in pain.  His stomach was hurting him horribly.  The first thing I did was ask him some questions about where the pain was and try to figure out what might be causing it.  Then, I asked him if he wanted a TUMS.  Tums are our go to medicine when we have tummy issues (which is almost daily).  Normally Cameron says, "No!"  He never wants to take medicine...I think he gets that from his mama!  Anyway, he said, "YES!" So, I gave him some medicine and then sat down beside him in the bathroom and wished I could take away his pain.


That seems very normal and caring...doesn't it?

However, why were my first actions to trust in medicine and then go straight to wishful thinking????
WHY did I not talk to God first?

I realized as I was sitting on the bathroom wishing I could take away Cameron's pain that I had the most amazing healing power accessible to me through God and I hadn't yet asked for it.  Why?  I sat for a few minutes feeling frustrated and confused! 
There are a few things I am certain of...
  • God is REAL
  • God is THERE
  • God is LISTENING
  • God LOVES me and my children
  • God wants me to COME to Him
  • God is our ever constant help in times of trouble
So, why wasn't that my first ask God to heal my son? 
As soon as I realized my focus was on the wrong things I prayed with Cameron. I prayed the normal, "God, help Cameron to feel better!  Take away his pain...etc"  THEN, I prayed silently. "God, take away this pain from Cameron so quickly that he will know that YOU are the one who healed him.  Help this be a moment for him to see your power and how you answer our prayers!" I continued to pray this way for a couple minutes until I noticed Cameron relax.  He had been unable to get comfortable because of the pain and then immediately his body stopped wrestling around and became calm.  I asked him how he felt and he said, "better".  So we prayed out loud, thanking God for helping Cameron and we talked about what had just happened...what an amazing experience.

Who am I? I am Loved! I am Accepted! I am Blessed! I am Thankful!  God loves me no matter what I matter how long it takes me to REMEMBER to turn to HIM!  For that I am so THANKFUL!  I know who I am...I'm HIS! 

You are HIS too!!

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Fall Fun!

It's FALL in Haiti!  The last few days have been rainy, cloudy and chilly! 
As a family we have celebrated this change in season by carving pumpkins.  The boys still remember some things that we used to do in the states during this time and thanks to the West Ridge team who came to visit us a couple weeks ago we were able to enjoy pumpkin carving here in Haiti.  The boys had a all messy and gooey.  Then we roasted the seeds and had a great snack too.  It was so much fun! Thanks again to the West Ridge team!

Monday, October 6, 2014


My boys are sooo funny! They LOVE to laugh.  Ethan will tell Cameron to say something funny just so he can laugh.  And Cameron will literally tickle himself in order to laugh.  They remind me everyday to laugh.
It is hard to admit but sometimes I don't want to laugh!  I put on my "that's not funny" face and I try to stop their laughter because I am in not in the mood to laugh.  Something has happened in my day to frustrate or get me down.  However, after a few minutes I can't keep it back and I allow myself the freedom of laughing.  What freedom!  Allowing God to fill you with joy in the midst of struggles is an amazing feeling!  Praying that someone makes you laugh today and that you allow yourself the freedom to indulge!

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Fun in Computer Class

Wow, yesterday was an Fun day in the new Computer English class.  I walked 25 students through the process of turning on the computer, logging into the computer, logging off the computer, and shutting down the computer...twice. It was quite the process and we all cheered at the end of class. We all clapped and had huge smiles on our faces.  We had accomplished something amazing!
It may sound funny to say that actually turning on a computer and walking through those processes could be something "amazing" but it was!
Some of these students are JUST learning English, some of them have NEVER turned on a laptop or, to all of us it was amazing! 
Watching some of them after class was probably my favorite moments of yesterday...they were GLOWING!  I am so thankful that I get to be used by God in this way everyday!

Please continue to pray for these students.  Even though I am teaching computers, I want them to first and foremost see Jesus in this classroom.  See him in ME.  I want them to feel His love in this classroom filled with computers and desire to go after Him.  Please pray that with me!

Have a great day and go find your own "amazing" moment today!

Saturday, August 23, 2014

What I Miss...

I am sitting in my kitchen with the smell of mangos. I am in my running clothes but I haven't gone and won't be going running today. It was rainy here in Haiti yesterday so the streets are muddy right now.  But, as I sit here I started thinking about the differences of the two worlds that I exist in.  If you go for a walk/run here in Haiti you are NEVER alone.  Everyone is out on the streets. They "live" outside.  This summer while in the states I could go for a walk and never pass anyone, or maybe pass one or two other walkers who would quietly say, "good morning" and keep on going.  Here in Haiti-not the case! When my friend and I go for our run together we are yelled at, greeted with someone who wants to run with us for a few seconds, honked at by taxis telling us to get out of their is just LOUD.  I MISS quiet morning walks in the states!
And yet, when I am in the states I miss the faces of my friends and just sweet people greeting me as I pass them.

There is always something to miss-no matter where I am. So thankful that God is never missing-He goes with me wherever I go!

We had such a GREAT are some of the moments we captured...
My mom and dad
                                                            Fun with the cousins
                                                            Family picture in Branson
                                                        My two amazing sisters!
                                                   Again, fun with the cousins!!

                                                One of my favorite people: Uncle Vernon
                                                          My brothers and my sister         
                                         Ethan and his cousin Cale...can't keep these two apart!
                                                        Trout fishin' with dad
                                                             Fun in Myrtle Beach

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Home again, home again...

Wow, we are HOME!  It was such a great summer and when I have time I will share with you some of the things God allowed us to do and experience while back in the states.  He is GOOD!  However, this is just an update to let everyone know we are home safe and HOT.  We didn't have water most of the first day and night so that is always a little bit challenging but we are so thankful to be home.
I am sitting in my NEW classroom because this is where I have internet...none at the house.  It is exciting to be starting something new. 
Please keep us in your prayers as we start a new year.  God has amazing things in store!  I am ready to watch him work here in Haiti and so thankful that I get to be a part of it!

Friday, May 23, 2014

An End and a Beginning

Wow, it is so hard to believe that we are finished with another year in Haiti!  This year has been difficult and amazing all at the same time.  God really taught us a lot this year in unexpected wasn't always easy going through the situations but it was such a blessing to see God's hand in everything!

God not only taught us a lot this year - he spoke too!  For the last few months he has been speaking loudly.  At the beginning of 2014 Scott mentioned to me that he wanted to start a computer program at SBC and said I should come help.  I said I would pray about it but in the back of my mind I thought, "Yeah right...I think I am good as the fourth grade teacher." So in all honesty I didn't pray or think about it too much after that...until a couple of months ago.  God started putting the thought in my head.  I honestly started thinking about it more than I had ever wanted to.  He continued to speak clearly and loudly so that I couldn't miss his message.  I felt a peace that I could have never imagined.  I never wanted to be anything but the fourth grade teacher. 

Well, God has other plans.  He has changed my focus and has allowed me to be excited about something other than 4th graders...he has been developing in me a passion for the college students and for computers.  I don't know what God's "big" plan is but I do trust Him!  And next year I am choosing to be faithful and work at SBC starting a new computer program.  I will be helping in specific ways with the Academy still but no longer as the 4th grade teacher.  I have such a peace about this decision that it feels weird sometimes to not be sad about stepping out of the role I have loved and enjoyed for a total of 7 years.  All I can say is that God is guiding, directing and providing peace through this change.

So, next year I will be teaching at SBC to start a computer program for theology students as well as for the community here in Port de Paix.  I am excited to see what God is going to do through this program and through me.  Please keep us in your prayers as this will be a big change for our family and our ministry here in Haiti.

Monday, May 5, 2014

4th Grade Highlight

When I ask my old students what they remember most about being in my fourth grade class the most common answer is...THE OVERNIGHTER!  Every year I have an overnighter for my students to celebrate the year and it is definitely the highlight! 
I think it is a highlight for me as well!  Even though I am extremely tired the next day, that night has given me so many memories!

The night is filled with games, food, and lots of laughter but my favorite part is our time on the roof.  Each year I take the kids up on the roof of the school just before the stars come out.  We have a time of worship, a time of prayer, a time of remembering the year (good and bad and silly)'s a time that brings us closer together.  Every year, that is always my favorite part. 

This night is a night where my students get to just be kids. All of them don't come from homes where they get to just be a kid for a whole night.  They don't have to clean or do chores...their only responsibility is to have fun and they are good at it!  I fall in love with them even more during the course of this night because their true selves come out and some of them are just down right funny!  They don't complain about anything! This time we had some major issues with the TV...tried two and neither worked.  They didn't complain at all! 

My students amaze me during this night!  They SHARE everything, HELP everyone, and LAUGH with their whole body!  I love watching them be KIDS!

Saturday, April 26, 2014

What's happening in Haiti?

What's happened lately?
1. Prayer Walk
I went on a prayer walk with my GWAP girls (6th grade Bible Study).  Wow, it was awesome!  It was fun to see the girls in their element and with their families.  One of my girls practically takes care of herself...I learned a lot about my girls that day!  We walked to their homes and prayed over the home and the people inside it!  It was eye opening and I have lived here a long time.  Please pray for these girls...they want to live out what they believe to be true and yet they have the opposite being shown to them in so many's hard to ignore.  Please pray they live out the truth of God and not what they see and hear all around them.  Some of these girls are told that they are no good and worthless, ugly and not wanted...pray they will choose to hear God's words to them, "you are loved, beautiful, accepted and MINE!" 

2. BreakOut
This is our high school conference during our spring break.  I helped lead worship and it was so much fun.  I haven't sang like that in a LONG time.  I miss it!  The kids had a great time and two of our high schoolers were baptized.  It was a great week!  Please pray that God will continue to work in their hearts! 

3. Relaxed (kind of) on the island
The first day of break the boys and I traveled on a sailboat with about 40 others to the island about 5 miles away.  It took us about 3 hours to get there but it was beautiful!  Definitely the prettiest beach I have been to.  The water was like a glowing aqua near the white and words can't describe!  God has quite the eye for beauty!  I love it!  Scott wasn't able to come...he has been grading papers.  The seniors at the Bible College have to write a senior thesis paper so he has been very busy ready and grading.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

My son is sitting on the couch!

So thankful Cameron is sitting on the couch!  All day he has been lying on the bathroom floor or in his bed.  He hasn't been feeling well today! 

As I said in the last blog, I have been trying to find the blessing/gift in each moment.  All of today's moments have allowed me to spend some more one on one time with Ethan...we made bracelets (thanks Danielle for the bracelet maker).  We played bounce potatoe (Ethan's new made up game), made breakfast together, watched Frozen together, and right now he is sitting on my hip beside me playing MineCraft while I do a little work on the computer.  I have also had the blessing of just sitting with Cameron and comforting him.  He blessed me by making this comment, "A lot of children don't get to have parents like me."  It is on days like this that I am reminded how much I love these two sweet gifts God has given to me!  Thank you, God! 

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Not So Easy

Blogging is not as easy as I thought it would be!  I thought it would be easier to let everyone know what God is doing here in Port de Paix, Haiti if we had a "blog spot".  Well, it isn't!  It is still a matter of getting online (when I can), thinking of what to tell you (which is always a struggle), and then taking the time to try and get it typed up and online before we loose connection or I get distracted. 

Getting online is interesting sometimes.  It comes and goes and we are very limited to the amount of downloading and uploading we can do...basically if it is fun we aren't suppose to do it. :)

Thinking of what to tell you is tricky.  SO many things happen here every day!  Some of it awesome, some of it scary, some of it normal, some of it not worth sharing.  I wonder what part of our life here to share...Scott's job in the Bible College and how that is going, my time in the 4th grade classroom, Cameron and Ethan's adventures...I overthink it enough that I just don't do it...then there is GUILT.

However, God has really been working on me this year!  I am in a place with Him that I have never been before and it is awesome!  So, I am going to just be thankful that I have this way to communicate and do it when I can!  (He is teaching me that living fully is being thankful in every moment!  Slowing down and finding His gifts in every breath I take.)

So, I will just give a quick update on each of us...If you have anything specific you would like to know about email me

Ethan: He is a funny kid!  He still loves karate moves but it has transitioned into more of the break dancing moves.  He loves soccer, chocolate, cookies, candy, jeans (won't wear shorts anymore), drawing/painting, and reading.  I have a library checkout for some of the older grades but he comes in on Thursdays to check out a new book each week. (perks of being a teacher's kid)

Cameron: He is really growing up...makes me kind of sad!  He is becoming so responsible and amazing!  He loves to spike his hair up in front, wear the right style of jeans and shirt, read/listen to the Bible, make eggs and pancakes, earn money by getting water for us each week, and Duck Dynasty. 

Scott: He is working hard with his professors and students...they love and respect him.  I love watching the interaction between them!  He is working on new church plants with SBC (Sonlight Bible College) students and pastors.  Please pray wisdom for them as they work out how to make all this happen.

Me: I am blessed! I am busy but thankful!  I get to spend my days with 4th graders who frustrate me, confuse me but mostly make me laugh.  I spend a couple afternoons teaching a computer class for SBC.  I love that too!  It is challenging and yet they are so excited to learn! 

There have been moments this year that were a little nerve wracking but God has kept us safe and protected through everything!  He is our source of strength and I am so thankful for such a faithful God! 

Please continue to pray for us as we live each moment trying to do God's will here in Haiti. 

I will blog again when I can! :)

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year!

What an amazing year 2013 has been.  We have definitely had some hard times as everyone has but God has always been faithful to provide and see us through stronger than ever.  We are so thankful for the life that God allows us to live here in Haiti!  Every year I think we become a little more Haitian! :)  We definitely started this new year out in the Haitian style!  However, I had to be a little American and do MY thing-soaking in the sun!  It has been a beautiful start to this new year! 
 We had breakfast with our good friends Paul Emma and Kerlande: hot chocolate, pumpkin soup and pumpkin bread...YUM!!!
 Dancing by the pool with our good friends the Shoaffs...the boys had a blast!
And we could forget to get the picture with Santa...a few days late but still a memory! :)